Before we get to feminine, let’s address hygiene. Hygiene is maintaining your health AND preventing diseases. To maintain your health, you have a routine where you regularly shower to remove sweat, oils, and other peoples stink (and sometimes your own). Preventing diseases comes down to not allowing bacteria to overrule your body and use you as a playground for all their activities. So what is feminine hygiene? It is the act of maintaining AND preventing diseases in your lady parts. Because it’s important that we are always up to scratch with the way you physically feel, smell, move, and even on a subconscious level of how you psychologically feel. How you psychologically feel can come down to a few things, like do you feel confident with yourself, do you know that you’re ready to go, are there any surprises the moment those panties come loose, etc. All that comes down to how you clean yourself, and what you use to clean yourself.
When cleaning yourself, we advise you don’t use regular soap. Regular soap is too strong to use for down there, and unfortunately it does more harm than good. We recommend using a dedicated feminine hygiene product, and what better way to clean yourself than to use something that will also make you smell like a snack. Its important feel good, and part of that is also smelling good. But again, it’s part of it, the most important part is actually being clean and maintaining your hygiene and keeping good health. But it doesn’t hurt to smell sexy…